Medicine chests usually contain countless different remedies to deal with various minor skin problems and 8-Trek is an all-purpose ointment that can treat minor wounds, grazes, insect bites, eczema, rasher, splinters, thorns, ingrown nails/hairs and boils. One of the key ingredients in 8-Trek ointment is Bituminol, a natural antiseptic that helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. Combined with Methyl Salicylate, which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, this ointment is a potent solution for a wide range of skin problems.
Medicine chests usually contain countless different remedies to deal with various minor skin problems and 8-Trek is an all-purpose ointment that can treat minor wounds, grazes, insect bites, eczema, rasher, splinters, thorns, ingrown nails/hairs and boils. One of the key ingredients in 8-Trek ointment is Bituminol, a natural antiseptic that helps to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. Combined with Methyl Salicylate, which has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, this ointment is a potent solution for a wide range of skin problems.